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80 results
Sep 09, 2021
Leadership Disconnect: The Growing Chasm Between Leaders and Their People
One pandemic; two radically different working experiences. Our research shows us that the gap between the views of senior leaders and the people they lead has grown into a worrisome chasm. This deep disconnect between leaders and their talent could have a crippling impact on organizations and their future business plans, impacting satisfaction, motivation and performance.
Sep 03, 2021
Remembering Steve Harrison – A Story of Decency and Compassion
Steve Harrison passed away July 10, but his legacy was cemented years earlier with a deep commitment to outplacement support, and an unparalleled passion for building positive relationships with both employees and clients.
Aug 05, 2021
Five Fundamental Strategies to Help Sports Organizations Promote Life-long Employability for Athletes
We’ve developed a comprehensive checklist of best practices for sports organizations to help athletes prepare for life beyond sport and harness the value they bring to employers.
Jul 27, 2021
Life After Competitive Sports: Why It’s Never Too Soon for Athletes to Start Planning
Very few athletes in either professional or top-level amateur sport earn enough money to set them up for the remainder of their post sporting lives. That requires sports organizations – governing bodies, national committees, leagues, and individual clubs – to look at formal transition support to help athletes find a career after sports.
May 13, 2021
Reskilling the C-Suite: Leading into the Future
C-suite executives are not being asked to personally match the reskilling demands that are being placed on other levels of the leadership hierarchy. There are some very basic things senior business leaders can do to ensure you are transforming yourself at the same pace and magnitude as you are trying to change your organizations.
Apr 22, 2021
From Green to gHReen: Putting a Human Face on Sustainability
Undeniably, there is an urgent need to unleash a new generation of reskilling and upskilling initiatives to enable as many people as possible, as quickly as possible, to prepare for the jobs of the future.
Mar 31, 2021
Fresh Start, Fresh Tactics: How a New Approach to Upskilling & Reskilling Is Redefining the Workplace
Organizations are waking up to the fact that investing in reskilling and upskilling to prepare employees for the future is ultimately good for their people and their business.
Mar 17, 2021
How Leadership Coaching Will Transform Your Workplace for the Better
Leadership coaching could be the key to a happier, healthier and safer workplace. In this article we explore how leadership coaching can transform companies.
Mar 17, 2021
Why Executive Coaching is Key For Your Organization’s Success
Executive coaching is fundamental if you want your organization to be successful. Novartis CEO Vas Narasimhan tells us why he’s such a big advocate of executive coaching.
Mar 17, 2021
Why Aren’t All Leaders at Your Organization Getting Coaching?
Coaching is one of the most effective ways an organization can improve the way it works. From the C-suite down to frontline managers, everyone should have access to coaching programs.
Mar 17, 2021
How Leadership Coaching Will Transform Your Workplace for the Better
Leadership coaching could be the key to a happier, healthier and safer workplace. In this article we explore how leadership coaching can transform companies.
Mar 08, 2021
12 Inspiring Stories Celebrating the Efforts and Achievements of Women
As we recognize International Women's Day, we celebrate the outstanding efforts and achievements of woman and girls around the world with stories from women leaders at LHH who are striving to help us achieve an equal future for all.