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Professional Staffing Solutions

Our temporary staffing solutions offer the customized support and flexibility you need to respond to the rapidly changing world of work. Whether you need to scale your team for peak planning and seasonal support or fill crucial gaps to complete a project on time, we can leverage our extensive network of diverse talent to support your needs.

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Customized support and flexibility for your recruitment needs

Finding the right talent with the right skills is critical. With specialized consultants across the globe, we can help you find your next role or deliver talent for your organization.
Practice area expertise
Our professionals have the practical knowledge to know what it takes to succeed in a wide range of functional areas.
Industry expertise
With deep knowledge across a variety of industries, we can deliver the talent your organization needs.
Discover your next opportunity
Let’s take the next step of your career journey together.

Latest insights

With a deep understanding of the world of work, and powered by knowledge from decades of experience, our experts provide strategic insights and thought-provoking perspectives to help you stay ahead of the competition.
team meeting
team meeting
Redorer le blason de la notion de leadership : rendre le rôle de dirigeant attrayant de nouveau
Seulement 8 % des personnes interrogées ont déclaré que « faire partie d’une équipe de direction » contribuait grandement à la réussite d’une vie professionnelle.
Vous considérez un nouvel emploi ou un nouveau cheminement de carrière? Commencez par déterminer vos compétences transférables
Voici ce que vous avez à faire pour déterminer et tirer le maximum de vos compétences transférables afin de mettre à profit vos talents, vos habiletés et votre expérience dans un nouvel emploi ou un nouveau domaine.
Commencez la nouvelle année avec un plan de carrière renouvelé
Faites le point sur votre carrière à l’heure actuelle. Ensuite, déterminez les éléments à améliorer, définissez de nouveaux objectifs et soulignez vos réussites. Ainsi, vous aurez la vue d’ensemble nécessaire pour vous assurer d’être sur la bonne voie et vous disposerez des renseignements requis pour planifier vos prochaines étapes pour la nouvelle année.

Driving global impact for you

We are a trusted partner delivering impact through customized solutions for thousands of diverse companies. The results speak for themselves:
helping professionals across many
disciplines reach their career goals
access to a global network of potential
employers to find the next best job
well-versed in the nuances of each job
market and ready to serve
helping people transition to new jobs
and improve their professional lives
global and local reach, and market
insights for companies of all sizes
making LHH the ideal choice to help
meet your career and business goals